Thursday, October 7, 2010

We're in Myrtle beach on vacation!! here are some of the
pictures so far. =)

this is the first interesting thing that happened to us. As
we were leaving the airport after getting the rental van,
Mom screamed. She was driving and saw this on the
windshield wiper!

'The Little Girls' at one of the hotel pools

Kyle in another pool
This one's sweet. You get on a tube and the current makes
you float around the pool. It's kind of like a little river!

This is the hotel we're in. We are on the top (21st) floor!

I tried to get some good pictures from the balcony today.
I was too scared of these HUGE guys, so I ended up
running inside after 2 or 3 pictures.:)

These are the ones I was brave enough to take.


Sarah Rose said...

Love the pics!!Looks like SO much fun!!!!!

Mills Family said...

That water looks AWESOME!!!