Monday, December 29, 2008

Kyle insisted on this picture being
posted even though it's from the
cantata on the 14th
might as well post a few more...
Everyone looked so nice

Pictures from Christmas
T-2 & his crayon bank
Auty & Summyrrh
Justy with his funny smile:)
Dad & Justus
Playin' Rockband 2

Auty with her clarinet
Armani's new guitar
Justy and his new sunday outfit

Happy Holidays everyone!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008


DEC 18, 08

Sorry I'm late again! -- but let's face it ,I'm
usually too busy to post on time. :-(
Well we just got a got a new computer.
The internet on it isn't workin' right,
so i can't use Slide to post justy's
birthday pictures. :-/ Well anyway
here's one and maybe i will have time on
Monday to post 'em all with my mom's
computer. (I have to get ready for Bible
study right now, and I have church
on Sunday)

Almost every time I get pictures of Justy the
flash makes him shut his eyes.
He is sooo cute!!

enjoying a sucker- a present from

Hannah Burtt and Kristen W.

The end of a wonderful day

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Anyway we
haven't been doin' much lately, just work
and school. The three oldest children
started attending a friday literature class
at the Southfield library. (We're still doing
all our school at home too of course!) and
everyone else is doing their normal school.
We went to South Side Baptist Tabernacle
yesterday and watched their production of
A Christian Christmas Carol. The place
was packed out!! If we hadn't gotten there
early we probably wouldn't have been able
to get seats. Anyway we did. Good thing too!
It was AWESOME!! The costumes were
great.And the set, lights and sound effects
were great too. We weren't aloud to take
pictures so we wouldn't distract the cast --
who by the way did very good! It's
surprising how well even little "Tiny Tim"
remembered his lines perfectly. I guess
that after doing it many times it
wouldn't be so hard anymore!
I (Mya) love how the play tells the
Christmas story in it's own unique way.
Watching it really adds to the fun of
Christmas time!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Armani!!
(a couple days late:-/)
Armani turned 17 on sunday.We
had a birthday party for him at
church - Lots of fun!!

Havin' lunch

Jacob and Tim serving dessert

The little ones really enjoyed
Armani's cake!!

Playing Tri Bond