Thursday, December 23, 2010

We were able to go to the christmas play at Southside Baptist Tabernacle this year!
Ms. Adrianne took us and the Mills went the same night. It was great to see
A Christian Christmas Carol again. We also enjoyed hanging out with Hannah and Leah!!
We hadn't seen them in about a year.

Hannah, Me, Leah & Britany
On the set!;)
 Leah, Armani, Hannah
Justy was sooo glad to see 'Leah Bea'!!

Judd, Summyrrh, Auty, and Micah had a blast. They loved
running around and eating cookies while the older kids and
adults talked.

Us with Britany, Hannah, Leah, Mrs. Kimmel and Tracy and Daniel 

Me and the girls taking a last minute picture before
I had to run out the door!